
Frequently Asked Questions

Is GOTAPLA the code everyone uses?

Yes, GOTAPLA keeps it simple. One code,  multiple brands and countless influencers.

What kind of brands qualify for the GOTAPLA code?

Brands who have a strong giveback alliance with humanitarian or environment causes.  Brands must also agree to allow the GOTAPLA code to be evergreen, no time limitation.

How does the revenue we receive get distributed?

50% to influencers, 20% to administration and 30% to TAP Studios. Administration runs this site and the GOTAPLA program and TAP Studios produces the press and social media event for the influencers to engage.  

Why would influences like this program better that a traditional promo code program?

Mainly because the GOTAPLA code is not brand specific and supports charities most influences care about. Also, Influencers get to include this activity with  their existing paid promo code programs because the code does not need to be product oriented. . Influencers also enjoy revenue from all brand sales and the revenue is pooled and distributed bases on multiple factors that add up to a measure of overall good influencing.